is on hiatus through April 30.
(See Smartphone consulting, instead!)

"This is just what I wanted! I love to spend time reading, sipping ice coffee and enjoying nature in this garden oasis in the city." --RC, Baltimore

Small Focus Design in Cape St. Claire, Annapolis

Consulting Visit

Consulting Visit

Small steps can begin a great journey!

If you could create a beautiful spot in your landscape—just one area to focus on—what would it be?

Would you like a friendly expert to help you figure out what to plant, and where?

Get design ideas, specific plant suggestions, and help with thorny problems in your landscape, all in one 60 to 90-minute visit. Get clear about your next steps so you can move forward with confidence!

What to expect with A CONSULTING VISIT

First, we'll have a short phone conversation that helps us both understand what your goals are for the visit.

Then I’ll come to your home for a visit lasting 60 to 90 minutes. During that time we’ll walk through your landscape and discuss areas you would like to change.

I will make suggestions on how to think about an area, and/or help you generate a list of plants appropriate for you next project area. You might take notes or make a sketch, while we talk, to capture the ideas.

Then we’ll talk about your next actions, so that when I leave, you can feel confident about your next several steps in the landscape.

The cost for this service is $300*

* Please note that this service is limited to Annapolis and nearby areas only (within a reasonable drive from Annapolis, MD).

“This was just what I needed! Can you come back in a few months?”

Some people have asked if they can keep repeating these consult visits until they have their entire landscape finished. The answer is YES!

“I found my way to Chris through the Adkins Arboretum Landscape Design Center, and it’s been a joy to work with her!

She combines a deep knowledge of native plants and garden design principals with a genuine interest in helping me create a landscape that makes our acre feel like home.

Each Spring and Fall I rely on her advice and encouragement, and the visits with Chris are the highlights of my gardening year.”

— LC, Colton's Point, MD

If you think this might be the right service for you, please contact me and let's talk about your landscape.